How would you approach this build?

:slight_smile: ey everyone,
I am quite new to cnc machining, have my Shapeoko 5 Pro for a few months now.
Recently I am working on atypic table for my friend and client, he ordered six of those. So I went to Shapr3d and did a model which now I need to machine. It will be made from 18mm thick ash board I made myself so its stiff enough to hold and also light enough to carry (two tables joined together on electrically adjustable legs).

My question is: what types of machining and which tools to choose? I am obviously going for quality (seamless connection between board) and as less time as possible.

I will include the file so you can try it for yourself. I have V-bit 90deg, 201 mill, some 6mm, 2mm end or ball mils … so I have something to choose from.

My issue is that so far I did not come (and had not enough time to dig in more) with any other way than 3d rough machining. I programmed 3d rough with 201 mill, then did contours, then 3d rough with 2mm ball mill. This program took around 5hrs time (!), there must be a better way, ALWAYS:) The issue with this is that the 2mm ball mill tries to remove material that is already removed. And the issue with 3d fining is that it wants to go through the whole pieces with 0.3 stepover (!) which was to take some 8hrs??
The 3d rough path with 201 and contouring afterwards was a good way I guess, took 1 hour to do. But the rest? How do I fine the edges which have like 3-4 different angles without fining the whole surface that is already machined with something like McFly (35mm flattener)?

I have now machined one piece of table and it is still clamped on Shapeoko, finished with 2mm rough path, but there are still some edges that I wanted to finish by hand. Any advice?:slight_smile:

Good luck with your projects!

Check the files I uploaded yourself.

A Stanek_podcast table v3.c2d (2.4 MB)

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What about a strategy like this…

model the angled slots oversize so you can use a larger tool.
I made this slot 22mm wide to allow for 7.5mm angled wall on both sides plus a 1/4" tool
Now I can rough it out with a 1/4" end mill, finish it with a 1/4" ball mill (or use the 1/4" ball for both paths, no toolchange). Finish this one at 0°. Finish the vertical slots at 90°, and the angled slots at what looks like 22.5°. finish path parallel to the slot.


It will also help to set the workpiece & model to 20mm thick, since to finish the entire angled face the ball mill needs to cut about 1.9mm past the bottom edge.


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