Humorous Time, To Me

Back in June I had a Transient Ischemic Attack, a temporary stroke. They said there was no brain damage and that I was good to go. Everything seemed normal except, I had NO interest in the CNC at all. Since then I have slowly been working back to it.

Today I was trying to surface a board. The set up was routine. I ran the job and it cut on only one corner. Reset zero and reran it. This time nothing cut. Recheck zero and again nothing.

So I checked the CAM and looked at the bit setting, it was fine, .020 depth per pass. Then I found out that if you set the ‘cut depth’ to 0.0 then that is exactly what you get.

Gotta laugh and wonder if the docs missed something.


I had one of those TIA thingys. I had to check the internet to see what year it was. Surprised I knew how to do that. We sure do some odd things when the brain isn’t working quite right. But then again, I have been doing stupid stuff ever since I can remember. Yup…cut depth is cut depth. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ha! That’s funny! Glad you are feeling better!

I am 70 years old. Of all the things I miss most it is my mind. :grinning: As you get older you learn more and more stuff. However I have found it is first in first out. So as I learn new stuff the older things like walking and talking are falling out the back. :rofl:


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