I have a c2d error when loading a file in motion

I have generated it directly from carbide create and I don’t know how to solve it. I have a shapeoko pro xl

I think I can help. I’ll try at least. Are you trying to save the file in CC under the 2D file source or something else? I think your issue comes from how you are saving in CC. When you save the file in CC, a window pops up asking how you want to save it, and there is a list of three different options there. If you choose the middle option, which is the C2D files, then this might fix your issue. Also note that the button in CC that is down by the save button, if you are connected into CM, that may not transfer files properly as well. I have read that many people have been having issues with that “Send to Motion” button.

What version of Carbide Create are you using?

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I had this issue recently. Its in the name of the file. Try renaming the file. There is something in the file name that it doesn’t like. Maybe a decimal point or diagonal etc.

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I’ve seen it a couple times as well. I didn’t even rename my files, I just saved them again in CC and they load fine on the next attempt.

I didn’t try just reloading the existing file to see if it would have loaded (I wasn’t thinking of test scenarios at the time), but there have been times when I try to load a file to cut and it’s dimmed out and when that happens, I just Cancel and Load again and it’s there. The V7 error could be similar.

CC v764
CM v622
macOS Sonoma 14.1.1

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I am using version 6

Yes I have done it like this and it continues the same

I’ll try this and see

I am using windows. It seems strange to me because it works fine on another computer I have.

If you’re using Create V6 then that’s the problem. You need to use V7 to load a C2D file into Motion directly.

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Right, thanks you Robgrz

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