I need setup help

I am trying to do a project like I always do. I am using bitsetter in the proper fashion but when I try to start the job, I get a message that the program zero is 1.2mm too low. I have rebooted, cleared offsets, and rerun bit setter several times and I still get that message.

I have gotten it in the past but it usually goes away when I redo the setup.or choose load new tool.

Any suggestions?

What length of tool are you using?

Do you have the current tool loaded/measured when starting the file?

Where are you setting zero relative to the stock?

What happens if you jog down to the lowest depth to which the file will be cutting?

Could you put a sacrificial piece of MDF or something similar underneath your stock?

Post a photo showing the stock clamped on your machine with the machine at the zero (or a specified offset)?

I am using a 1/8 combination bit. I have tried bit setter with that tool loaded and with the rod that came with bit setter.

My zero in the project is set to the top of the stock.

I could put something under the stock but dont think i should have to.

Post you file. Dont put something under it. There is something off and it is better to figure out what is wrong rather than try workarounds. Workarounds always lead to disaster. Some times you cannot see the forest for all the trees. Let another set of eyes look at it and see what if anything is wrong.

I attached it. Thanks in advance for your help/experience

Catchutterie board plug.c2d (116 KB)

Nothing jumps out at me from the file alone, but we’re only getting half of the picture without the machine + stock in front of us.

Maybe a silly question but did you double check material thickness? Since you’re zeroing from top of stock, if you were off by a millimeter, this warning is what I’d expect to result.

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I started troubleshooting again this morning. The stock thickness was correct and all software was current. I redid the machine setup.

I then redid the job setup in the usual fashion. I got the same message that the z was 1.2 mm too deep.

I went into the project and disabled the contour cut out toolpath and was able to run the advanced v carve without any issues.

I went back into create and deleted the contour toolparh and then recreated it with the same parameters.

I reloaded the project using my previously set zeroes and it worked as expected.

I guess there was a problem in the file that could not be seen.

Thanks to all who replied or read and thought about solutions.

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