I never noticed this in Advanced Vcarve

Hi, was doing some experimenting in getting my machine to run faster.
I increased the speed of my z-axis while just cutting air to see what happens.
I just happened to be running a short advanced vcarve and I noticed the bit going into the “wood (air)” pretty fast at 1250mm and I figure that could break my bit??
So I look back at the file and noticed Advanced Vcarve does not have ramping for the clearing bit. I think they forgot?
Is there a work around for that? I wish they would have included ramping in Advanced Vcarve also but they didn’t. Or maybe I’m missing something?

You can control your plunge speed by reducing the speed by reducing the depth of cut per pass until you get to your desired overall depth. Most people run their cleanout bit at the diameter of the 1/4 inch endmill. This is what I would do, but that is clearly up to you on what you want to do.

It looks like that is the only thing left to do is go old school but that doesn’t follow along with the theme of everything else. Both in pocketing and contouring ramping is available. Advanced Vcarve does the same thing in that you use 2 bits and one of those operations is going to be pocketing but yet ramping is not available for Advanced Vcarve. I wonder if they have noticed this. I’ve heard no mention of them addressing the issue.
Oh yeah, I want to add what conflict that can cause.
I have my z axis set fairly fast. I’m good with it ramping in but lets say in the middle of a project I have to VCarve. Now all of a sudden I have a bit that doesn’t ramp in which will cause wear and tear and/or break. So now I have to stop whatever I’m doing just to go in and change my gCode settings just to keep from damaging my bit because ramping is not available in advanced Vcarve.

Send a report to support in email and explain to them what is going on and they will check into it to make changes if necessary. This is one of the fastest and more logical ways to deal with an issue that might have been missed and needs addressed.

Yeah, I shouldn’t have wrote what I wrote. I’m going to delete part of it.

It’s all good. Just message support to work with the feeding issue. They don’t want people crashing their machines and breaking endmills easily.