Nice! What did you end up doing to get that result?
to help with the sanding - you might want something like these
Hi Julien, since I noticed that the wood expanded a little bit overnight (Or maybe just twisted a little bit in the center) I ended doing a finishing toolthpath of all the model with the same zero now cutting with a “Climb” strategy (It only took me like 12 hours since I realized doing the frame of the model would take like 4-5 extra hours so I ended the job once it got to the frame - I will try to use my 1/4 and 1/8 ballnoses the next time for any frame in order to save time). Then I sanded a little bit and used mineral oil in order to pop up the tones of the wood (I have to search for another kind of finish since I understand that mineral oil is normally used for cutting boards and stuff like that for this kind of wood)
Hi Tiger, yes sir, I have to purchase first a dremel or a drill in order to use them (I probably will purchase the dremel in order to work with really small details too), but this seems like a really good way to sand a project like this one. Thanks.
Congratulations on an excellent end result
.5mm is .020 approx. not .002. Just an FYI.
Hello Tiger, after searching a little bit this method seems to be the most effective and less expensive to use
Looks awesome, could you please tell me what kind of drill do you use for this? I guess one with multiple speeds? Thanks.
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