I needed some legs for a coffee table that is 24W x 48L x 19H. A cheap simple way is to use 2x6x32 boards. All you need is one g-code using 1/4 bit. Cut 4 of them and glue them together. Attached is some designs I tried. I finally selected design ‘e’. Using this method you can come up with anything you like as long as it fits on a 2x6. If you want more elaborate designs try a 2x8. I did but it cost a couple dollars more.
tableLegs2x6.c2d (52 KB)
Some photos.
What bit did you use? I get really concerned gutting anything thicker than 1-1/14" on my 3XXL
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lf you download the .2cd file and check it with your software it will show exactly how I cut it. I did use a 1/4 bit… I had to move the 2x6 away from the left edge brcause it actually cuts outside the left boundries… Good luck.
Forgot to mention. You can use less thick wood. Just make the pocket 1/2 the size of the thickness.
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