So, how can I design a piece with measurements in Carbide Create, if even passing it I would alter the measurements? and also I see that they only have the option to import with DXF, SVG
So, how can I design a piece with measurements in Carbide Create, if even passing it I would alter the measurements? and also I see that they only have the option to import with DXF, SVG
Unfortunately, DXF does not have a concept of units:
Usually it works to put the exporting application into the desired measurement system, then to have the importing app set in that same system — if it doesn’t, send the file in to and we will do our best to assist.
The most expedient thing to do is to set a rectangle of known dimensions around everything and verify that size, and if need be, re-size after importing.
For SVGs, the expectation is:
- (NEW) Updated SVG parser to newer version. SVG import scale might have changed for some files. We now assume a 96 DPI scale.
So setting the SVG to be exported at 96 DPI should result in the correct size — how this is done varies by application — for Adobe Illustrator for example, it seems to be necessary to use File | Export (or Save for Web — this varies by version) and to clear the “Responsive” checkbox.
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