Importing files from the internet

Hello All- Waiting on my PRO XL to arrive and just reading and watching videos. I have a question about importing pictures into carbide create. What’s the best way to do that. Thanks again, I appreciate having this forum.

Ken Kennedy

Black and white crisp images are best. Load them as a bitmap and use the trace image feature. If there is text you will likely need to recreate it as the trace doesn’t seem to do a good job there.

Depending on the complexity of the image there may be a lot more cleanup required to get to a useable image.

Thank you!! Appreciate it.

Depends on the sort of picture.

Vector images as DXFs or SVGs which are properly defined as filled/empty regions import well and are straight-forward to assign toolpaths to.

Typical SVGs and vector clip-art require a bit of cleanup:

Pixel images may be traced:

or placed on a background layer and re-created:

also see:

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