Importing into Carbide Motion and keeping scale

Hi, I’m trying to learn how these programs work, I’ve set illustrator’s rulers to inches, made a file that’s 14x20", saved it as an SVG, but when I open it in Carbine Motion which has stock size set to 14x20", the SVG comes in 10"x15"ish.

How do people make important sized objects and have them import into Carbide motion without it messing with scale? I know I could stretch it to fit, but I’ll be making multiple parts that need to work together and even 1mm off would mess it all up. Thanks!

Edit: I opened the file in Inkscape and it looks like it’s showing as 10"x15" there too. Maybe I need to post in Adobe forums and ask how to make an inch actually an inch. Cause apparently their inch is a lot less than an inch

Edit: Figured it out.

If you’re having similar issues, in Photoshop or illustrator or whatever, it might be set to 72 dpi.

** In Illustrator go Effect > Document Raster Effect Settings.**
** Set DPI to 96.**
** Scale your template or whatever to the right size. (Ctrl R opens the ruler)**
** EXPORT As SVG. Unchck Minify and Responsive.**

No idea what that last part means but that did the trick. It now opens in Carbide in the correct scale.

This works for me: Importing SVG's

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Are you exporting the svg at 96dpi? This is what CC expects

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That looked promising, because when I switched it to 96dpi, it all of a sudden showed my image was 10x15. So I stretched it out to fill up and exported again, but when I open it in Carbide, it’s 10x15 again. Hm

Edit: Figured it out.

If you’re having similar issues, in Photoshop or illustrator or whatever, it might be set to 72 dpi.

  1. In Illustrator go Effect > Document Raster Effect Settings.
  2. Set DPI to 96.
  3. Scale your template or whatever to the right size. (Ctrl R opens the ruler)
  4. EXPORT As SVG. Unchck Minify and Responsive.

No idea what that last part means but that did the trick. It now opens in Carbide in the correct scale.


You found the workaround but the cause is that C3D’s software is buggy and doesn’t properly support SVG. If you’re interested in the nitty gritty details, you can look at this thread.

Unfortunately they don’t seem interested in fixing the problem.

Except that you have now abandoned users of older versions of Illustrator that apparently defaults to 72 dpi. Can’t this be user configurable?

Don’t you get 96 ppi when exporting to SVG from older versions of Adobe Illustrator?

Will, there is no export function in the perpetual license version of Illustrator in Adobe’s Creative Suite. There is only a Save As for SVG. And it provides no resolution options. Wish there was.

There’s a bit of documentation on this at:

and if memory serves, before that it was under “Save for Web” — just choose the SVG file format there.

Sorry William, this option is not available in Save for Web in Illustrator CS6 or earlier.
Screen Shot 2020-08-14 at 9.25.20 AM

If there isn’t yet a preset — check under file format/type — I checked in CS2 — it goes back to at least AI6 (I’ve used AI since v3.2 on a NeXT Cube).

I can confirm that this does not exist in Illustrator CS6. The only location SVG appears anywhere in the application in the the Save As function (other than SVG Filters, in Effects).

Take it up with Adobe — it existed in CS2 — this article indicates that there is an SVG option when Saving for Web in CS6:

No, that is incorrect. I have verified this with multiple sources. It is unfortunate that this was working in CC but now is not. It appears that you are unwilling to admit this, so I won’t continue this conversation, however, I will reiterate that this could be solved by simply including a user-entry field for the ppi setting in CC. Thanks

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As noted, CS2 has this option:

and I’ve provided a link to an article which indicates it was still present in CS6 — if your copy doesn’t have that, please take it up with Adobe.

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@robgrz would you be able to weigh in here? This seems to be a bug in C3D’s software (inability to deal with standard SVG that includes physical units, inability to set SVG import) that has led to recurring confusion and requests for help on the forum. We’ve only heard from Will so far, it’d be nice to get a second opinion from C3D.

Is there another channel these people should go to in order to get the issue fixed?

We did a lot of testing with the reference files we had and tried to make everything match Vectric as much as possible in terms of import scaling.

That said, there are files that import with the wrong scale, partially because the SVG parser we use doesn’t always handle scaling correctly and because some design programs generate SVG files that load differently in every program we tried.

As we head into CC V5, and get rid of a lot of internal code that made user interface changes difficult, we’ll expand the import commands to let users override the default scaling.


Excellent news. Thank you Rob.

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