So I am trying to import some svg files into CC for some holiday projects with no luck. I have tried saving it as compressed and basic svg then truing to open in CC. Nothing appears even when I zoom all the way out.
I am having no luck and I do not know what I am doing wrong. Any tips to help importing these would be appreciated.
Using a brand new M1 Macbook Air with an up to date Adobe suite.
Are the files vector? What shows in Outline view should be what will be imported.
Note that you need to export the SVG, not Save it, and you need to uncheck the “Responsive” checkbox, or make whatever other setting is necessary to to get the file to be saved at 96 ppi.
Jist went back and looked at my original file. Looks like I had saved it in photoshop incorrectly.
Just opened the downloaded file it into Illustrator then exported. Opened right up!
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If you are only exporting to CC and not saving for another program, try exporting as a .dxf file. This works the best in my experience if I’m simply trying to get design into CC.
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