Am I correct in my assumption that Carbide Motion does not provide a means to manually jump to a desired line of code either forward or back?
Is the only option to edit the g-code?
Yes, your assumption is correct - CM currently does not provide any method of jumping to/manually defining a line of code or subset of lines within a job file.
Exporting the g-code & editing it manually to use in CM is the only way currently - if you’re looking for ‘line by line’ level customization.
However, within Carbide Create, you can setup a job with seperate tools paths which can then be disabled/enabled to customize which toolspaths are used - you just have to keep saving the changes & reloading the file in CM to run the changed toolpaths.
Yea, I figured that was the answer.
It really is a horrible and clunky way to do things. If a bit breaks, for example, you should be able to simply reverse in the code. All of my other CNC machines allow for jumping back or forward in the g-code; it is odd it’s not possible in the Motion driver.
I agree that it would be nice to have that capability, or something close to it.
Carbide Motion is designed to keep things as simple & straight forward as possible.
If you need/want more advanced control of your machine, then switching to an alternative sender is pretty much the only option. Pretty sure if you search around the forum you will find plenty of info on it.
We have the code to restart on any line almost done. The upgrade to CM V6 caused a wave of support cases from users who’d forgotten how to use their machine and upgraded. We’ve been waiting for all of those existing CM V6 user problems to flush out before we release another feature that will start the cycle again.
I love the wording choice. I’m figuring it’s pretty accurate, too.
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