Initializing Results in HM001 Error

Yesterday I was using my Nomad 883 cutting projects without problem …

Today, when I fired up my machine I couldn’t get it to even Initialize.

  • Before the head would rise to trigger Z end stop then move to to trigger X & Y end stops.

  • Now it does none of the above and it simply moves AWAY from Z end stop (Z-) and halts.

As mine is an old 883 I have physical switches for end stops. That said, they were all working fine yesterday when they’d get triggered by the Initialization routine. Today they’re not even tested because there is no Z+ or X+ or Y+ motion to trigger them during initialization, only Z- for some reason.

  1. The machine’s axis are NOT jammed.
    All axes move freely when I manually spin the threaded rods.
  2. The homing switch COULD be bad.
    Seems doubtful though since they’re not even being triggered.
  3. The main electronics module COULD be bad.
    Seems doubtful only because it was working fine 12 hours ago.

Has anybody seen this behavior before?
Any suggestions on how I might repair the problem?
It really feels like a “state condition” that’s locked in and I can’t change.

Power down and slowly/gently move the machine so it is at the center of each axis after moving each through the entire range of motion — any binding or catching?

If need be, lubricate using Superlube:

then with the machine at the center of motion for each axis, power up and connect and go to Settings | Debug — are any switches stuck on? If so, investigate.

If not, test each switch — does each signal as the correct input when tested?

If all checks out, try initializing. If not, let us know

Movement was smooth and didn’t catch anywhere along the full length of travel.

If need be, lubricate using Superlube

I regularly apply Superlube so everything is lubricated.

then with the machine at the center of motion for each axis, power up and connect and go to Settings | Debug — are any switches stuck on? If so, investigate.

Capto_Capture 2024-12-16_12-11-27_PM

Z was lit when I opened the panel; triggering the button did not change state.

If not, test each switch — does each signal as the correct input when tested?

Y was lit only when I pressed the end switch the first time and did not change state.
X and Probe weren’t lit and did not change state with I triggered the switches.

Door doesn’t apply to my 883.

If all checks out, try initializing. If not, let us know

It didn’t check out and initialized as before.
How would you guide me now?
Thanks, Travis

If the Z-axis homing switch is stuck on, check and see if there is something causing it to be stuck — if jiggling it doesn’t free things, check in at

“Giggle, giggle.”
“Tap, tap.”
Nothing, nothing.

I’ll check in with Support, thanks Will.

@WillAdams Swapping out the Z-axis homing switch did the trick, thanks!

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