Does anyone have a design for an inlay template that they would be willing to share.
I would like to make one similar to the attached template using 1/4 Lexan.
Went looking, didn’t find one, but did find a copy of the rockler “rounding” template kit.
I ended up designing my own inlay template with a couple of different size butterfly inlays using 3/16 Lexan.
If anyone would like the .cd2 and .nc files send me your e-mail address.
You can post .c2d files here if you wish, or send me a PM with your e-mail address and we can get you an account so that you can add them to the wiki.
I made two different designs. Here’s the files for them.
Inlay Design Template - Large B Large C.c2d (22.4 KB)
Inlay Design Template - Large B Large (4.1 KB)
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