Inlay Help Please

Trying to create toolpath for the male “plug”.
What am I missing here?

You’re missing an outer boundary/offset so that you’re cutting outside of the design.
And your plug depth should be your female pocket depth minus your glue gap.

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Ahha! Thank you Tod!

OK Tod,
so not so ahha… I placed an outside offset of .002 around all vectors and set the plug depth to .175.
I’m getting the same effect. Am I really that dense?

Lose the 0.002" offset & make a rectangle around the whole piece. Make sure you pick the rectangle as well as the design. You could reduce the outer vector to an offset, but you’ll have to cut it out to fit it in the female pocket. The offset needs to be at least wide enough to let the tool cut full depth around the male plug.

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OK go it. I drew this a few weeks ago with the box around it. Deleted it today when i started back at it. Think I have it sort now.

Thank you

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I can see the glow from the light bulb going off over your head. :sunny:

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