I just got my income tax return and am going to buy a shapeoko pro with it and I’m spending quite a bit in accessories. I just wanted to run some of these by you all to see if this is feasible.
I already have
1.5kw water cooled spindle + vfd inverter
Large water pump/chiller all in one and any hose that goes along with it.
First off, does that Wen air filter seem like a good buy instead of the shop vac? My goal is a quiet machine and shop vacs are absurdly loud plus I think this will generate less heat as it is a blower motor and uses less power than a shop vac. I would use a flange that would fit over the intake of the filter and it would convert it to a 4” hose which goes to the top of the dust extractor. The other hose that goes from the dust extractor to the spindle will be 2.25” Second, I got two thermometers. One with a probe that will be placed in the bottom dust collection chamber to monitor under the table and one for inside the machine.
Also got lights, power supply, misc cables and connections including a connector for the spindle to the VFD and a 6mm to 10mm converter for the spindle water cooler. (Spindle uses 6mm cooler used 10mm). Heat shrink and a hose clamp kit were also included for convenience.
Are there any other things I should throw in my cart that I might need? Does the web air filter seem like a good substitute for a shop vac?
No, that is designed to filter the air in your shop. It is not designed to pick up the dust created at the spindle. You definitely need either a shop vac, dust collector or ?dust extractor? (I forgot what Festool calls their little bundle of money that sucks.)
You need to capture as much of the dust at the source before it has a chance of getting into your lungs. If you have the room, I recommend something like a 2 stage dust collector setup, such as a super dust deputy and a MERV 15 filter. You can get a decent dust collector system and replace the filter that comes with it with a good filter from Wynn Environmental.
Just some suggestions, but take them from a guy who half-assed dust collection for years just using a shop-vac and I am now allergic to just about every exotic hardwood. Rash, hives, welts. Not fun.
I second that, if you are going to splurge, put that money in a good shopvac with HEPA filtering (lots of threads on the forum about which one to pick, I went for the Festool CT Midi and would buy it again). The noise is unavoidable, some more bearable than others, and the answer is “enclosure”. So do keep some of that money to be a good, tall, sturdy enclosure.
I see you did not mention a cyclone dust separator, do get that too, it’s cheap and your dust collection basically won’t work without it (unless you like changing shopvac bags every two hours)
The air filtration system is still something to consider too, there are mixed opinions, I got a Jet one and it’s been useful for me. When I work in the shop (CNC or not) and I’m a bit careless and start to see a specs of dust dancing in front of the lightbulbs, I’ll turn it on full speed, go do something else in the house, come back a few minutes later and it will have cleaned up the air for me. [insert lengthy debates here about how it does not filter the smallest invisible particles and will spread them around the shop, YMMV]
I have the higher flowing Wen air filter (1044cfm model). I think what you are planning is an interesting concept. From my experience mounting my air filter above my table saw, you’d most likely be changing or cleaning the primary filter often; and it probably wouldn’t pick up the bulk of particulate.
The Fein dust extractor seems like a good quiet(er) option advertised at 67db; and it’s a bit cheaper than a Festool CT MIDI.
Whichever way, a two stage system is the way to go, as mentioned.
The air filter is a good thing but does not replace a dust extractor Whether it is a shop vac with a cyclone or a full blown dust collection system the air filter is not a substitute. The issue with an air filter is the dust has to get into the air in the first place. If you prevent the dust in the air in the first place the need for an air filter is diminished. I still think you need both a dust collection system and an air filter. Long term exposure to fine dust is very bad. Exotic woods can cause allergic reactions.
So in my case it is not an either/or but both.
Since I am freely giving advise quit letting the government keep your money as in interest free loan. Fix your withholding so the government does not keep so much only to dole it back to you a year later like it is some kind of a favor to return your own money to you. It seems like a windfall to get your big refund check but keep your money in your own pocket. The way Uncle Sam is spending it these days they may not have it to return to you.
This air filter seems like it can generate enough suction to give me some good airflow through the dust boot. it WILL be going through a dust extractor/cyclone before the air goes back to the air filter
The purpose of the flange is to restrict the suction through a 4" hose which will suck air in from the dust cyclone. I know ill lose some airflow. it normally operates at 300-400 CFM and id imagine I can get 100-150 CFM once it goes through the dust collection system.
Because of this, it will create negative pressure in the enclosure so im going to make a small vent in the top with a very fine 2 or 3-ish micron filter so air from the room is always being sucked in but the filter offers enough resistance to keep a negative pressure. this will ensure air is always trying to rush in the enclosure and leave through the vacuum. hose (mounted to the dust boot).
I talked to someone on another thread about dust collection and he said use a harbor freight dust collector. from what I see the Wen air filter and the harbor freight dust collector use the same motor topology. they run using the same mechanics and have very similar designs. The wen just filters it more than the shop vac.
I like the stand alone approach to cleaning the remaining particulates from the air and it is about the same I will be adding to my work area. Just not as a primary dust extraction unit.
Also, as to the primary dust extraction, change that 2 1/2 inch vac hose to an anti-static hose.
As to the LED strip dimmer, I would guess you will want those lights at full on when in use and no real need for a dimmer option (though, to each his own)…
That WEN air filter is just for filtering airNOT a dust extractor. There is no way to connect a hose to it and if you did the filters would be clogged in minutes.