Installation instructions for t-slot bed upgrade for Shapeoko 3?

I am finally getting around to installing the hybrid MDF/t-slot bed for my Shapeoko 3. Where can I find instructions on how to install it?

Looks like the hybrid bed is standard for all current models, so I guess upgrade instructions have fallen into the internet quagmire of obsolescence.

Any helpful links will be appreciated!

Fortunately, they are still on The Wayback Machine:

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Thank you, William! :grinning:

Wesla ,did you manage to open it,I could only open parts of it.I am about to replace my board on the S3 but going to do a combination track and t nuts.

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I tried to open and got:

503 Service Unavailable

No server is available to handle this request.

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I couldn’t open the links, either. I got the same message that @Frank246 got. I emailed Carbide 3D and @WillAdams sent me pdfs of two of the pages. I will share them here for you.
Shapeoko XXL T-Track installation - Carbide 3D.pdf (396.1 KB)
Shapeoko T-track Quickstart Guide - Carbide 3D.pdf (245.5 KB)

Thanks Wesla,really appreciate that

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