I bought the Shapeoko 4 XXL with standard router 2 years ago.
I’m wondering if I can install the VFD spindle kit on this machine. I am looking to improve the productivity of my machine (and limit noise).
I saw on the Carbide3D website that the VFD Spindle Kit is compatible with the shapeoko 4 XXL. But I’m a little worried about the price and I don’t want to find out that it doesn’t give the desired result.
If any of you have already carried out this installation, I would like to have some feedback.
I don’t have one (I suppose if I asked I could get one), since I am currently rocking:
which I bought back before the VFD spindle was available from Carbide 3D and mostly because I do a lot of test cuts and there were days when it felt as if I was spending more time wrenching than the machine was cutting.