Internal hour meter?

In a complicated program with a graphical user interface, data and signals have to move between components within the software. Each time something changes within one component, it could cause a cascade of additional changes. Ultimately, it’s just pipes to connect all of that data and signaling so I prefer to call it plumbing rather than some grandiose term about software architecture.


A Rube Goldberg machine comes to mind.

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I must say, that was a very astute and informative reply.
Well done! :raised_hands: :clap: :raised_hands: :clap:

Thank you for turning my goofy question into a more intellectual topic.

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I think it’s a great analogy. Software / Logic has pipes, Tees, valves, manifolds, supply lines & faucets…

BTW, “Pipe” is a software / architecture term. :wink:

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