Is it worth it to upgrade to Shapeoko Z-Plus from the org. belt system

Is it worth it to upgrade to Shapeoko Z-Plus from the org. belt system ?

If the current belt drive is working well, and meets your needs, then no, no need to upgrade — if you’re making light cuts w/ lots of up/down movement in easily cut material, then the belt drive which is quicker than the screws actually has the advantage.

If you find that your cuts are limited in depth of cut and that you have to re-run parts because of lost steps on the Z-axis, then yes, upgrading to a Z-Plus (or an HDZ if you need more X-axis or Z-axis motion, or want a spindle) makes a lot of sense.

Thanks, I thinks it’s a org. Shapeoko standard ( the MB board is mounted on the X access bar ) I bought it used for $400.00 with the dewalt router I think it was a good deal ?
I was thinking about getting the maint. kit that comes with new belts and V- rollers ?

everything works ran a few jobs, made a new spoil board,
there is a little play up and down on the Z access, I was thinking it is warn v-roller

any recommendations would be great



There might be someone on here with a Z+ gathering dust from an HDZ upgrade.

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that would be cool,
I’m new to the Shapeoko community how is the best way to find one ?

thanks steven

I’d suggest a Maintenance Kit:

When you order one, let us know at that you need a couple of Z-axis belts.

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yes that is the one I was looking at …


You think the 400.00 was a fair price ?

I actually have the CNC4NEWBIE z-slider. It’s awesome. Cheaper than the carbide one and equal in quality.

$400.00 for a working Shapeoko 3 with a router is a fantastic deal.

The Z-Plus is tied with the bitsetter for the best upgrade I added to my machine. I was not a big fan of the belt driven Z. It works, but I found the Z-Plus much more reliable for me since I cut mostly aluminum.

If you get a Z-Plus you will probably also need to get a proximity limit switch kit and maybe a new control board.

I do have my old Z-Plus and a control board that should work if you are interested. Send me a PM. If you can’t send one because you are a new user, talk to @WillAdams or @Julien and they can help you. I can’t remember if that is a restriction or not.


A z-plus upgrade also requires the proximity switch upgrade. The hdz can be run with mechanical switches, at least with 3.2 hdz version.

The Shapeoko will be supported for some time but upgrades for so3 will likely not be offered forever. If you are sitting on the fence about upgrades I would encourage you to jump down on one side of the upgrade/not upgrade side of the fence soon.

The Z-Plus upgrade includes Inductive Homing switches when purchase for a belt-drive unit.

Nick sounds good, let me see if I PM you

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