Is there a way to remove elements from a toolpath?

I’ve defined a toolpath (AVC) that includes multiple elements, but I’ve decided I want to remove some elements and cut them differently.

Is there a way to remove/deselect individual elements from an existing toolpath?

Thank you.

Not directly. You can open the toolpath and click “Select Current Vectors”
Then close the toolpath dialog & shift-click to deselect some vectors
Then open the toolpath dialog & click “Change Vectors” → “Use Current Selection”

Another choice is to separate the vectors on layers by tool. Then select by layer in the toolpath. Then to do what you asked you just move those vectors to another layer.

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Not entirely intuitive, but option one you listed worked for me.

Thank you!

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That’s what I typically do too. If there are a lot of vectors, I’ll sort them into layers and turn layers on/off so I’m not looking at so much. Then assigning them by layers makes sense.


I’ve been too lazy to figure out how to use layers, so I just group things to help keep elements organized.

I’m probably standing in front of the ‘Layers door’ but haven’t taken the time to just turn the knob and behold the wonders within. :smile:


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Assigning toolpaths by layers is a huge improvement in the workflow. It’s worth playing with it and becoming comfortable with that option.


Thanks @robgrz & @WillAdams for the info and nudge - I’ll dedicate some time to understand layers once I’m over the current hump. Thanks again!

Regarding Layer usage with Tool paths.

Please take a look at this thread about Duplicate Selected items.

The Duplicate tool should allow you to select items in multiple layer and duplicate them back into their original Layers. It does not work, the duplicated items always goes to the Active layer