Is this normal for a limit switch?

I have a Shapeoko 4 Std. When I initialize the CNC on startup, when the gantry goes back to the right rear position, it arrives at the position ,makes a noise and then stops. It only does this at that position. I have checked the limit switch and it seems to be working . It is acting like the limit switch is not stopping the gantry, but after a second or so, it shuts off.
Any info on what to do next would be much appreciated.

Could you make a video?

There’s a normal sound where the machine find and re-find the homing switch — could that be it?

During initialization the first thing that happens is the Z moves up and if that passes then the gantry heads to the right rear. Then each of the X and Y are homes (initialized). In this case I would expect an error code so did you get any. The proximity switch can work with the metal test but may need adjusting to be triggered by the gantry.

So move your gantry to the middle of the spoilboard and power on and connect but do not initialize. Then go to the Settings and debug and see if anything is already triggered. If nothing is triggered get out a wrench or other metal object and test each proximity switch. If you have a BitZero then touch the magnet to the BitZero and if you have a BitSetter push down the plunger. You are testing the functionality of each sensor on the Shapeoko. If all those pass power off the Shapeoko and manually move the gantry all the way to the back right corner and repeat the power on and connect but do not initialize. Go to Settings and Debug and see if the X and Y proximity switches are registered as triggered. If one of them is not then simply adjust it until it does trigger.

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Thank you for your instructions. I did what you asked and I have discovered what the issue is. When the gantry goes to the right rear position, it stops at the edge of the limit switch, grinds a bit, and then stops. That limit switch is supposed to be triggered by a piece of plastic held to the side rail of the CNC. Every time it goes back to that corner, the piece of plastic just rides up on the top of the limit switch, but does not trigger it. After the grinding noise it stops, but the limit is not triggered. It needs to go further( about 1/4 “) on top the limit switch. I powered off the machine and pushed the gantry as far back as it would go (about 1/2” further and I connected the machine again and both the x and y limits were triggered. Then I selected “Initialize” again and then the gantry started to move ahead and stopped and the alarm read that “it could not move off the limit switch.” Nest I suggest that I try to loosen this piece of plastic and if that does not work, I will try to drill it out a little larger to give it room to move up a little when it arrives at the limit switch. Does that make sense to you or do you have some other suggestions?

I dont have an SO4 but the indicative switches are all the same and only metal triggers them. Not sure what the piece of plastic does but that is not what will trigger the inductive switch. Hopefully an SO4 user will chime in to tell us what triggers the homing switches.

Cool, I’m glad you figured it out. Can you take a picture of this plastic piece?