I am getting tear out Cutting this oak. Default endmill settings for hardwood.
More interaction with the grain direction — try a downcut and leaving a roughing clearance and taking a finishing pass?
In the picture it is end grain that is tearing out. Oak is very hard and stringy and end grain tends to tear out. You can try putting a coat of polyurethane or dewaxed shellac on the surface before machining to harden up the surface. You could also try some adhesive backed shelf paper. Endgrain on hardwood is always suspect to tear out. As @WillAdams try the opposite type end mill than what you tried, but hardening the surface might help but not eliminate tearout. Take the bit out of the router and feel the cutting edge. If it feels sharp it is. If it feels dull then it is. Carbide cutting tools last a long time but do wear out. You may need to clean the bit if it gets a buildup of tree sap or resin on it appearing to be dull when underneath it is still sharp.
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