If I set my zeros for a project are those values preserved between power cycles of the Shapeoko. When I Initialize the device are the zero settings wiped?
Let say I’m working on a cutting project and it takes longer than one cutting session. Do I need to reset zero? If so, is there a way to retrieve from the Shapeoko what the zero values are and enter them manually?
It does save the zero, but the potential for error comes in with the second homing cycle - any difference in the home point would change where the zero is in reality, even if the numbers are the same. In practice, at tolerances suitable for wood, I’ve never noticed a difference even after multiple power cycles.
It’s stored on the computer connected to the machine. If you were to change the PC/Mac, the zero would be lost.
That said, it’s always worth going to the Rapid Position screen and clicking the “Go to current X/Y” (Or whatever the exact wording is) to confirm that the location looks correct if you just started up the computer and Shapeoko to rerun a job.
Those offsets (zeros) are retained in the EEPROM on the controller…Motion clears them.
What’s the reason for clearing the offsets? I find that behavior inconsistent with the intended GRBL workflow.
The introduction of repeatable limit switches and a change in my workflow means that it’s difficult for me to get caught out now.
If its a big job I will often take note of my machine coordinates at Zero on my work coordinates, this means I can just home the machine and move to those coordinates, then zero to continue