Issue with first hole if drilling operation is first

Searching through I’ve seen reports of this for a long time but I have figured out how to replicate it.
Screen shots will be from ncviewer since carbide create doesn’t show the error with the first hole in the simulation.

Backstory I was making a cribbage board for a friends anniversary. I had a nice piece of wood picked out and decided I’d run a test. Test went well, but then I changed up the order or operations since I wanted to pour some resin before drilling the holes.

Test run drilled no issues with a peck drilling routine.

Time to move onto the actual wood.
Machined all the lines, words, numbers no problem. poured resin, resurfaced it

and started drilling the holes. Simulation in CC looked great. First hole dove fast and hard into the material

Examination in a 3rd party shows this dive to Z0 that doesnt happen if there is some other machining operation before the drilling operation.

So two items from this,
One, how can I edit the gcode to not do this, I fiddled with it for a while but couldnt figure out how to get the preview of the dive to go away.

Two, can we get the CC devs to look into why this is occuring?

ps. going to try to fill it with a small wood donut from the same board I guess.

It looks like, if you open this up in notepad, that you can delete line 16 “Z0.00” , save it and rerun it. I wonder if this is happening because your Z zero is set to stock bottom? If it was set for Stock Top, that line wouldn’t hurt anything.


I was just considering that, putting together some example files.

With multiple operations, the first lines are this
File 1 (281.0 KB)

turning the first two operations off and just having the drilling op the first lines look like this
File 2 (1.2 KB)

I do enjoy being able to have the zero static and having multiple nc files all referencing the same spot (flip jigs etc) I’ll have to try an air pass after deleting that Z0 line

drilling_issue_1.c2d (28.6 KB)

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