Issue with Simulation


I’m trying to make a beer flight template for a friend of mine who is a retired sergeant. I downloaded an svg of the badge, uploaded to carbide create and am trying to create tool paths. When running a simulation, I get X’s and Crosses in random places. Does anyone know why this is happening?

Here’s the file and a screen capture of the simulation. Only thing missing from this and the one I’ll use is his badge number.


Sample Flight.c2d (1.9 MB)

One potential issue is that there is doubled up geometry:

However, exporting the geometry, re-working and simplifying it, and then trying to only cut a small subset:

actually made matters worse:

Working to see if some smaller subset will cut okay — once we arrive at that we can move up to see exactly where things break and work out how to handle it.

I’ve filed a bug report on this.

The image elements:

Seem to cut fine:

I’ve isolated the arch elements:

and am looking into the specific difficulties.

The geometry itself seems okay, since selecting just the innermost and outermost elements:

Cut as expected:

Looking at it more closely, I believe the problem is at the bottom of the shield:

Hang on, going to re-draw that…

Which fixed it:

Attached as a v8 file.

Sample Flight_v8.c2d (1.9 MB)

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Thank you so much!!!


I did a sample carve and it left out the middle section. I had to shrink it down. the actual workpiece is 7.25" side. Could that be the reason?

Photo of the result?

Could it be that the stock was dished?

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I’ll post a photo later when I get home from work. I’m using a 30 degree V Bit. Should I change that?

The stock was flat. It carved some of it.