I briefly tried GRBL 1.1 and Carbide Motion 4 today, but ended up reverting back to GRBL 0.9 and Carbide Motion 4. After re-flashing, the machine is not usable… It will not even complete a homing sequence. I was wondering if someone would share the .hex file and EEPROM file (if needed) for me to use. I have tried the hex file located at the link below:
When the machine starts a homing sequence, the stepper motors have a nice harmonic noise associated with the rate of movement which is very slow. Almost like the steps per mm is incorrect. It will home the Z axis first, then the X axis which crashes into the side of the machine. I am at a loss on this one… Any help is much appreciated.
@WillAdams I finally figured this out probably the moment you were typing your reply. After I wrote out that the steps per mm were not correct I started to look more into the default GRBL settings. I am back up and running. Thanks!
I’m having the same problem described above but the links attached do not seem to work.
Can you advise please or maybe resend the link paths.#Many thanks
Hi Will
Thanks for sending this through, I’ve run through the process but still no joy.
I’m getting some operation but on sending the $h all it does is drop the z axis toward the machining surface very very slowly.
If beginning homing results in Z-axis moving down, it’s most likely that you have that axis reversed.
Did you install the Z-axis plate upside down? (from the front, the static pulley should be on the left) — if that’s the case, please remove and reinstall flipped over.
I have sent an email to support but no response so far.
Ok so I’ve managed to reflash the GRBL to v1.1 using the updater and that was confirmed by the uploader as successful. But I’m getting the ‘door open’ message from Carbide Motion v4 when I try to jog, which I presume means I’ve got so somehow disconnect the door sensor?
Differences between your Grbl settings and what I understand to be the defaults:
$0=10 (step pulse, usec) — you have 100
$10=255 (status report mask:11111111) — you have 3
$30, $31, and $32 used to not be set
Please try changing $0 and $10 back to what were the defaults at Grbl 0.9 — don’t see a reason for them to change, and I believe that $10 could be responsible for the sort of behavior you’re seeing.
Okay, I’ll try updating $10=255 and check out what the situation is with $30/$31/$32. $0=10 after I had done the push config, but it still had the issue, so I tried bumping it up. I’ll set it back to 10 and see how it goes.
Well 30,31,32 are the spindle speed controls. So the values there are valid.
I reflashed the firmware and set $0=10 and $10=255. Left $30,$31,$32 as-is.
Tried homing and still failed. Went back and did manual jogging and looked up the homing process for GRBL and realized that it homes Z first… and while looking at the Z-axis, it looks like it’s stuck. Doesn’t move freely and can’t move it up or down. So looks like my homing problem is due to the Z axis motor/movement being stuck. Unrelated to GRBL 0.9 / 1.1 so going to explore the Z-axis issue on my end.
I had a chat with Jorge and ran a few checks and he seemed to think it might be the Z limit switch.
With Carbide Motion software open if you press any of the limit switches it will give an error but my z limit switch doesn’t do anything.
I’m willing to give anything a go now though, very frustrating!
my settings are;
(192): <- ok
(191): -> $132=100
(190): <- ok
(189): -> $131=250
(188): <- ok
(187): -> $130=250
(186): <- ok
(185): -> $122=270
(184): <- ok
(183): -> $121=270
(182): <- ok
(181): -> $120=270
(180): <- ok
(179): -> $112=1270
(178): <- ok
(177): -> $111=2600
(176): <- ok
(175): -> $110=2600
(174): <- ok
(173): -> $102=200.0
(172): <- ok
(171): -> $101=200.0
(170): <- ok
(169): -> $100=200.0
(168): <- ok
(167): -> $32=0
(166): <- ok
(165): -> $31=2000
(164): <- ok
(163): -> $30=10000
(162): <- ok
(161): -> $27=5
(160): <- ok
(159): -> $26=25
(158): <- ok
(157): -> $25=1000
(156): <- ok
(155): -> $24=100
(154): <- ok
(153): -> $23=0
(152): <- ok
(151): -> $22=1
(150): <- ok
(149): -> $21=1
(148): <- ok
(147): -> $20=0
(146): <- ok
(145): -> $13=0
(144): <- ok
(143): -> $12=.01
(142): <- ok
(141): -> $11=.02
(140): <- ok
(139): -> $10=3
(138): <- ok
(137): -> $6=0
(136): <- ok
(135): -> $5=0
(134): <- ok
(133): -> $4=0
(132): <- ok
(131): -> $3=1
(130): <- ok
(129): -> $2=0
(128): <- ok
(127): -> $1=255
(126): <- ok
(125): -> $0=10
Oh forgot to say Jorge has very kindly shipped me a brand new CM board and a Z limit switch, expecting delivery tomorrow so will report back then. Hopefully it solves the issue but doesn’t necessarily answer the current problem.