I've been busy.. ship build

Holy moly, this is an awesome project I had not seen before. Keep up the good works.

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I’m still amazed that this project started in march 2016…that’s dedication for you :+1:


Tim.That is dedication plus. You can be justly proud of your efforts. My wife and I live in Far North Queensland in Australia about 350 klms from Townsville where there is a Museum dedicated to HMS Pandora. https://www.museum.qld.gov.au/museum-of-tropical-queensland/whats-on/pandora-galleryThe wreck of the ship still lies off our coast. We spent quite a bit of time in the Pandora Gallery during a visit to Townsville a couple of years ago, an amazing history.
Make the trip if you can.
Cheers for now,Ray.


Thank you Ray, i have always wanted to visit the Queensland museum. Here in the UK the BBC did a documentary on Pandora in 2000 and i thought then it would be awesome to build a model.

Thats why i bought the carbide nomad pro, as its simple to use and gives great results.


I have got my machine working again and i wasn’t happy with the windows on the stern, I wanted them open… so here goes very fine detail

I did say I was stopping this project but… 2 kids later im still at it. The nomad pro is in its 7th year!