Jigs and Fixtures for drilling holes/joinery

Very nice flag. I see your Milescraft dowel jig in the background. I bought the Jessem Master Dowel Kit with the workstation I used a few weeks ago on some book ends. It is expensive compared to the Milescraft but it really works well. I also bought the Jessem PocketMill Pro and that also fits on the worksation. I have used dowels, loose tenons, biscuits, Rockler Beadlock and the Jessem PocketMill Pro making “Dominoes” is the best method I have found for getting two boards to line up perfectly. The dowels work pretty good as well and with the workstation I get perfect alignment. There are many ways to join wood but although expensive the Jessem stuff works very well. Kreg came out with a similar product that the consulted Jessem to make and at a lower price.

They work in a similar fashion but the Jessem is from the top and the Kreg is from the side.

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Thank you

& Thanks for that info too. I’ll have to check into those.