Joining Nodes in CC

Hi, is there a way to join two ends of a vector that isn’t closed. When I used the trace function, it made a piece part of a node that should have been separate. I know I can use the Cut function to remove it, but I can’t figure out how to close off the rest of the vector so I have one continuous shape. I know Boolean removals are an option, but would prefer not to use them as it always creates more nodes than I would like when the shape is rounded.


I would like to separate the smaller piece from the larger one

After cutting them, these are two pieces. I would like to complete each vector, separately.

Draw in geometry to close things, or use Node Edit to adjust things so that the region which you want closed is closed, then use “Join Vectors” to actually close things.

If you have trouble doing this, upload the .c2d file and we will walk through this with you.