Jtech 44 watt Laser

I bought the Jtech 44 watt laser that thing is massive. Just want to let everyone know if you plan on buying that particular one you wont be able to home your machine without having to take it off as it mounts on the right side instead of the left. I find this very troubling. Im using lightburn for software. So my question is can you change the homing position?

Looking at the JTech website, and the mounts for SkapeOko machines, you must have a SO3?

Can you not flip the mounting bracket that clamps on the router mount and mount it to the left of the router? It looks like it might allow wither mounting side.

EDIT: Looked through your comments, and you have the SO5 Pro, so maybe same thing? The JTech website shows it mounted to the left of the router in one of their pictures.

This is what they sent

It only fits on the right. I’ll have to call them to see if they have a mount for the left.

I have the Jtech 7W and an SO3. The mount for that one can be front or either side. Now I did break the mount once during homing and had to buy another one. I remove the laser when not in use but leave the mount on. Not sure what went wrong but I had bought it used to start with and it might have been cracked from the get go.

The 44W looks about the same size as my 24W. Mine mounts on the left side. JTECH offerS two different mounts, a generic mount that will attach to almost any router and one specific to the machines (Shapeoko, Onefinity, ect.). The one for the SO5Pro definitely mounts on the left. You might contact them and see about getting the mount specify for your machine.

What is that you have on your bed with the measurements?

Laser bed. https://a.co/d/bjlGWv3


Well, I did email them and they recommended that I just keep using what I have because the other one is a printed one mine is steel they said the other one would probably break. I just made it so lightburn doesn’t automatically home when I turn it on.

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