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I recently got a 7W JTech laser. I have V-Carve Pro, but are there any recommendations for toolpathing, post prossor setup, or other (free or cheap) software that is widely used and works well with Carbide Motion? Or should I just go straight to some sort of G-code sender?
Lightburn is the (only) way to go in my opinion. It’s a $60 one-time license fee. You switch to Lightburn to use the laser, and you switch back to Carbide Motion to use your router/spindle. A bit of a learning curve, but there are several posts in this community to get you going. And several JTech + Lightburn users to answer your inevitable questions.
Another vote for LightBurn. I have used it for several years and Jay over at JTech is very supportive. The LightBurn community forum is great too. The developers monitor it daily and are very responsive. LightBurn is well documented here: Start Here! - LightBurn Documentation
It is at this hobby level probably the only laser software game in town. I have just added a bracket to my spindle for the JTech laser which I use.
If you already have V-carve pro you might want to consider using the laser add on module. It’s able to do anything I’ve wanted it to do, plus there’s no new learning curve because you use the same design set up. On the Vectric forums there’s a dedicated section for their laser module. JTECH has the post processer on their website. I use Sienci’s gSender as the g code sender (easy to use).