Just pulled the trigger Shapeoko XXL CNC Router Kit What spindle upgrade to consider?

Well you are most likely right. I had quickly tried to set up spindle control when I first set up my spindle and VFD so I probably had messed up some settings. I didn’t have time at that point to figure it out so I went back to manual control. I have been looking around the forums today and thought I would give it another try. The results so far have not been great…

I have set up the VFD the same as you had in your post on this:

Vi to Shapeoko PWM
ACM to Shapeoko GRD
I also moved the Jumper pin from VR to VI
The only settings that are different from yours on the VFD are related to my Spindle being 110v, 1500kw

When I turn the VFD on, the spindle starts immediately, and I have no control with m3 through CM.
I did change $30 to 24000 as well.
I am not seeing 5v between GRD and PWM while my test program runs at the VFD or on The Shapeoko board. So I am guessing that may be my problem?
I have the v2.4e board so the PWM is labeled. Is there another PWM on the board I can try?

other thoughts?

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