After about an hour or two, the power connector at the top of 65mm vfd spindle on my shapeoko keeps unscrewing due to vibration. Has anyone else had this problem and maybe found a workaround?
When the power connector come completely unscrewed the shapeoko will drag the non-spining bit across the material on my machine. No amount of tightening makes a difference.
I also had this happen 2 days ago. I was on the other side of the shop and heard the spindle stop spinning and run over to stop button before it broke something. It was unplugged and it has only been running for a couple of hours. I am checking it at the start of every time I start a new job for now to see if it loosens up again.
That is excessive. I’ve had C3D 65mm spindles on 2c machines, one for 2 years, one for over a year. Are you running a really out of balance tool? I’ve had that happen once. Maybe a small dab of blue Locktite?
Yes, happened with multiple replacement spindles with me though I caught it before the power was ever disconnected. I solved it with a thin and tight rubberband just above the coupler. Simple enough to remove if necessary.
After tightening the cable connection i marked a line with a sharpie across both sides of the connection so i can quickly visually check if the connection has loosened