Keyhole path feedrate is using ONLY plunge value

The keyhole paths are only using the Z (plunge) feedrate. Is this the intended behavior, or should it be using the ‘Feedrate’ parameter for the travel?

The tool I’m using is set to 200/1000, but the GCode only sets the feedrate to 200.

It’s just that right now the keyholes are SLOW SLOW SLOW, but jumping the Plunge rate to a reasonable Feedrate is a bad idea.


I’m running V721. I moved away from the most recent because of the Pocket Path bug.

What’s the pocket path bug?

Here is my Frued keyhole bit. I looked up the bit on the Frued site and the feed rates were fantastic. The keyhole path plunges my .375" bit full depth and then plows forward the length you set it for. This is quite violent for a 1.25" HP router. My feeds and speeds work well for my Frued bit.

number vendor model URL name type diameter cornerradius flutelength shaftdiameter angle numflutes stickout coating metric notes machine material plungerate feedrate rpm depth cutpower finishallowance 3dstepover 3dfeedrate 3drpm
701 Freud 70-104 701 Keyhole end 0.39 0 0.25 0 0 2 0.125 0 10 60 16000 0.4375 1 1 60 16000

So I would recommend you go to the OEM bit site and get the correct measurements for your bit. There are smaller and larger key hole bits. However if your bit is similar to my bit then the plunge and ipm would be a good starting point.

You have to plunge far enough with the large end of the bit to have some meat for the slot it makes for the screw to hang in. You do not want to make a very thin part for the bit to hang on because it could break out easily and make your project fall off the wall. Another thing I do is always make the two key holes an even number apart and then mark the back of my project with the center to center measurement to make it easy to install by anyone that receives the project.

Here is an example of a wall plaque I made. I vcarved the spacing for the key holes.

The problem is not setting the parameters. The problem is that the Keyhole path is ignoring the parameters. It only moves at the plunge rate, ignoring the feedrate.

If you go into CC and Help and Open Data Directory and then Tools. You will find your custom tool database. Double click on it and it should open in a spreadsheet. Verify your settings and modify them if necessary. Then “Save As” the .csv file. Do not let the spreadsheet save it as a spreadsheet because CC cannot read that only a .csv file. The .csv is comma separated values file and is simple text.

Maybe there is something wrong with the custom tool database.

It’s fixed in the beta release, but that needs a bit more testing because of some other fairly invasive changes. Feel free to try it out though.


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