Just saw this video and was blown away. Very inspiring. Had to share:
Mind blowing! Thanks for sharing
Yep, his stuff is fantastic, many years work to get to that level.
I found out about his sculptures seven years ago, wanted to buy one, but no international shipping.
Guess that the sculptures might not endure the trip.
And now I wonder if there are kinetic sculptures parts CNC plans for purchase somewhere. It would be fun to make a (simpler) one on the Shapeoko, but I guess the outcome would likely be “mmh, so that’s why it took this guy fourty years to master his craft…”.
Or worse, “mmmh, wouldn’t this be even better with some motors and a controller board…”
I have been admiring those creations for quite a while and wish I could afford giant one.
Just make a wind powered version. If the Florida summer storms were not so insane with 50+ mph wind I would kill to own one.
It’s rated for 90 mph but the amount of flying debris here would murder it.
Challenge #25, perhaps?
Or even worse, "Hell, they sell those on eBay for $25, and I’ll have one here tomorrow! "
Willing to bet you that within a week you’d have found the cheap eBay $25 one didn’t work properly and had started making better replacement parts on your Shapeoko
And the first ten lines of David C. Roy’s website mention exactly that. Some people apparently received “wood scraps”, lol.
This gentleman also does kinetic sculptures, and sells plans, with DXF format available.
The Angels said “how much creativity should me give him” and God answered yes!!
I would love to have a day with this chap and his design process and philosophy, amazing use of materials. Thanks for sharing
I’m fascinated with these kinetic energy wall art pieces. If anyone comes across any cnc plans online, please post. I’ve been searching, but obviously in the wrong places.
Did you have a look at that link Bill posted ?
There is (obviously) a limited choice but those plans are affordable and I’ve been wanting to try one.
I don’t consider myself a very advanced CNC user, but I always wanted to build one of these, so I ordered a plan (Cephied) from Derek (I was never interested in the amount of effort to scroll saw one). I couldn’t figure out how to import it to full size, but Will described the process using other software I never heard of. Finally I realized what downloaded was in metric, so I upscaled the files by 25.4 and the parts were the perfect size.
There are many parts needed, but Derek provides a complete list including McMaster-Carr part numbers to make it easy. Some are quite specialized and the price added up to more than I expected, but everything went together really well and the finished project works really well. The price of Baltic birch plywood is pretty high now too. There is a bit of balancing, tweaking etc. but he has good troubleshooting guides.
It worked well enough that I purchased a more complicated plan (Merlot) and am building it now. I have run all the CNC parts and again, they came out great. Fun projects!
Please share some pictures, would love to see what you made!
CNCInspirationMax BergRegular
Please share some pictures, would love to see what you made!
I second this request. I would love to see how they came out.
I’ll try. My experitise on the computer is even less than on the CNC.