Knocking sound from stepper-motor on power-up

I wrote support about this, but thought I’d post it here as well, while I wait for a reply.

Yesterday when I powered on my machine, before I got around to initializing it from Carbide Motion, it started making a knocking sound. After looking/feeling around I located it coming from the right-side y-axis stepper-motor. I’ve looked for loose connections and tried powering it off over-night, but no luck.

A short video of it: - OneDrive (

Has anyone else experienced this and know what the solution to this problem is?

Did some more troubleshooting and when switching the Y1 and Y2 connectors on the controller the problem moved from right-hand side stepper-motor to left-hand side indicating a problem with the controller.

Thought I’d update this post in case someone experiences the same in the future.


Interesting. I have the same noise, but only when moving. I literally took a video yesterday in hope of reaching out to support to see if it’s normal. It’s on a SO PRO XL

I’m not able to use my machine at all. I tried to initialize my machine once to see if it was just a warm-up problem, but had to shut down the machine immediately as very bad noises were coming from the stepper. Only tried it once as I don’t expect a different result and don’t want to damage more parts.

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