Im aware of both the jtech and endurance, my question is what wattage for doing mostly logo and text engraving in wood.
Engraving wood is the easiest scenario, a few Watts is more than enough. I have the 2.8W JTech and happy with it for that usecase.
You might want to look closely at the expected lifetime of each wattage, pay also attention to the resolution of each unit, before You buy a laser.
I have a 2.8w JTech also, and I’ve been happy with it. I pretty much just do text engraving on wood. Given a busy workload, you may want to consider the 7.2w if you want to cut your laser time down.
To give you an idea, I engraved this recently. The work area is about 4”x9”, and it took just under 25 minutes.
@jepho I couldn’t help but click on your laser thread you linked to above. Don’t bother with the G10 L2 “macros”. Those are recommended because of a misunderstanding by the guys at Lightburn. All it does is move your work zero to the back right for “CNC mode” and to the front left for “laser mode”. I’m guessing very few of us use the back right as WORK zero.
How do you set your work zero in Lightburn?
Maybe @WillAdams could move this post to the Jeff’s laser thread?
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