After cutting some pockets in acrylic I notice some of them have leftovers like this. Doesn’t happen every time though. Am using the standard step over as suggested in the software, should I be increasing it some?
Acrylic burns easily. Try increasing your feed rate. Many use a single flute sometimes called an O flute on acrylic. If you move too slowly the acrylic heats up and melts instead of just being cut/chipped out.
I cut this at 200 ipm with an 0 flute bit… it was a fast cut, it’s not melting at all it just has a small section that was missed by the cutter
You’re on the right track with modifying the stepover, sometimes when the width of the cut is almost equal to an integer number of times the cutter diameter, rounding errors can leave with you a thin wall in-between passes. Changing the stepover slightly usually takes care of this.
I could be wrong here but was this left in the center of a pocket you were cutting? if so I think you actually want to decrease the step over slightly not increase it. Decreasing it means more of the bit will hit the path it already cut so it should take care of that middle section… I am new though so see what other pros think first.
Just want to point out, look at the cuts on the walls… wow that looks super clean, you nailed the speed.
I have a question I’ve been struggling with, regarding the circles left on the bottom of the pocket. Would a final pass with an upcut bit that has a flatter tip be better?
I have both bits and still find I have some circular patterns in each. I think the 3 flute is a little bit cleaner though
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