Light Strip Falling Off

My 5 Pro light strip keeps popping off.
I cleaned the area with alcohol and no luck.
I added new double sided sticky plate and no luck.
Any thoughts on how to keep this stuck on the gantry?

I covered mine with a layer of double-sided tape which I left the wrapper on.

Alien Tape! That stuff is incredible. Double-sided with a thick, malleable core that I’ve found makes an almost permanent bond… Most likely will ruin the light strip if you try to peel it off stuck on a surface with that. I’ve only ever seen it sold at Costco.

You could also use crazy glue.

Carpet tape, thin, sticky as all hell. leave backing on except like 1" and then peel as you apply. Make sure while the backing is still on to press it well against the light backing

3M VHB tape works really well, degrease first.

seconded degrease before you attempt any re-adhesion I have noticed an abundance of over greased parts coming out of C3D recently. Probably QPQ / anodizing company soaking everything before shipping it back and one or two new guys in assembly /eyeroll