(Well crap, my hypometric precursor device is blown…)
Hello all, After running a few jobs earlier today without incident it is now impossible to get my XL to cut.
When the problem started I was attempting to cut a job from VCarve Pro using the Shapeoko post “AC inch”, which I’ve been using almost exclusively without problems. I’ve now tried all the other posts for Shapeoko for VCarve, switched from CM 411 to 409 and 410, tried to cut other jobs from Fusion 360 that have worked fine in the past but, no joy.
I home, jog to start point, set x,y,z, load job, hit start, get the Limit Switch Hit error immediately before any movement from the spindle or carriage.
The machine jogs fine, rapids to all the presets no problem. Just wont run a job
I’ve now managed to air cut a few old files plus a new one I just generated in VCarve. Its a portion of the one that throws the limit switch errors. Weird I’ll attach the crappy g-code. green man rev (2.4 MB)
Just remove .zip and replace it with .gcode before you open it.
how tall is the work pieceyou are working on. sometimes if i’m working on a 3" thick piece of wood I have to raise the routrer and reset zero. That gives the machine the room it needs for safe z movement which it goes to immediately upon starting job.
(Well crap, my hypometric precursor device is blown…)
Good point. I have the router mounted as high as I am able given the limitations of having a SuckIt attached. FWIW, I’ve observed the spindle move upward when starting the job. It is at least an inch and a half from the z limit switch when it errors out.