Limit Switch Hit

I am getting a limit switch hit error message when attempting to use my Nomad 3. I finished Zeroing it and then attempted to run my job and got this error. I looked in the community for a solution and see this message “Turn everything off. Unplug the usb cable. Reach in and move the carriage off the limit switches. Now plug the usb cable back in and turn the power back on. Should be ok now.”

I do not know what it means to reach in and move the carriage off the limit switches. Can someone please explain this to me?

I figured out that part. I was able to zero the machine, then went to run the job, it then allowed me to change the tool and then moved to the right towards the zero point and then the limit switch error occurred. My new question is, can I put my material, in this case a nickel-silver alloy, at the edge of the base? Do I have to move it in from the edge? It is definitely not hanging over the edge.

You can place your material anywhere on the spoil board. Zero to the spot on the material you have chosen as zero.

As long as your machine is capable of reaching the area you have chosen it will cut. (cutting boundaries of your machine)

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Sounds like the proximity switch has an issue. The Nomad is similar to the Shapeoko in that you can Power off the Nomad and make sure the gantry is away from any of the proximity switches (home) and power on, connect but do not initialize. In CM open the Settings menu and open the debug screen. See if anything is active. Then if nothing is active place a metal object in front of each of the 3 proximity switches and see if they activate. If a switch shows active all the time or does not show activated with metal object like a wrench then the sensor may be bad. If all switches test good you may need to adjust the position to make sure it triggers properly. Switches can become loose and an adjustment might work after checking that they are all good. When testing the switches make sure the gantry is not touching any of the switches and must move the gantry away from the switches.

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