Longer clamps for workholding

I’m about design and 3d print some longer clamps which I frequently need (see photo).
Just before I go down this long and arduous path, am I missing something obvious?

Current solution extremely Heath Robinson
I should add that there are screws at each end but I was trying to take out a tiny bit of warp.

If you put some spacers (red) on your guides it will move the whole board (green) closer to the T-track. I assume there is another T-track (blue) near the guides.

This will not work. There is very little force holding the board down. You want to get the screw as close to the part as possible.



Please see:

Work Part Clamping (Many Of You Are Doing It Wrong) - How To - Carbide 3D Community Site

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Tod, good idea. Also it means I can use cam type workholding to make a very strong lateral hold.

I I have a situation where I can’t use the T-track, I sometimes put a screw through the clamp directly into the spoilboard. Also if I have a wide piece with no other way to hold it in the middle. Find a spot where you know it’s not going to cut & screw it directly. Just make sure the retract height is sufficient, or counter sink the screw.

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