Looking at buying a shapeoko xxl (pro or not)

What else one needs depends on what else one already has and what one wishes to do w/ the machine.

Typical lacunae:

Further details are available at appropriate places in this and also see: https://docs.carbide3d.com/general-faq/machine-operating-checklist/ and be sure to read https://shapeokoenthusiasts.gitbook.io/shapeoko-cnc-a-to-z/ and http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032021.do#

  • eye and hearing protection: https://docs.carbide3d.com/shapeoko-faq/safety-gear-and-necessary-precautions-when-using-the-machine/
  • Additional assembly tools: Flush cut pliers (or scissors — fingernail clippers can also be used to cut a short zip tie with a nicely rounded edge), Needle nose pliers, Tape measure or ruler, Level, Pencil; possibly also Easy-peel masking tape, such as blue painter’s tape (nothing that leaves a residue behind), Adjustable wrench, Flashlight
  • a trim router (you can order with a machine, but Carbide 3D only has our Carbide Compact Router, but if you prefer you could get a Makita RT0701/0700, or if getting an SO3/XL/XXL w/ the 69mm spindle mount a DeWalt DWP611/D26200)
  • some endmills (one is included with the machine, but they’re consumables: https://shop.carbide3d.com/collections/cutters/products/shapeoko-cutter-starter-pack ) If one is starting with just a 1/4" collet:
    • three 2-flute 1/4" straight endmills (such as the #201 endmills from Carbide 3D — one will be included with the machine, a pack of two will fill one out with: 1 for initial experimentation/roughing, 1 for finishing passes, and 1 spare — if cutting wood or plywood a downcut endmill such as the #251 is recommended.
    • two 2-flute 1/4" ball end endmills (such as the #202 endmills from Carbide 3D) — if one wishes to do 3D modeling or cut parts which have rounded profiles along the bottom (often a good idea in woodworking for increased strength)
    • two 90 degree V-bits such as the #301 from Carbide 3D — if one wishes to do V-carving or cut joints which use this angle
  • If you wish to do small-scale or precision work you may want a 1/8" precision collet (now bundled w/ the Carbide Compact Router (also works for the Makita): https://shop.carbide3d.com/collections/accessories/products/precision-collets and is now bundled with units sold directly from Carbide 3D):
    • five 2-flute 1/8" straight endmills (such as the #102 endmills from Carbide 3D
    • two 2-flute 1/8" ball end endmills (such as the #101 .125" Ball Cutters from Carbide 3D)
    • two smaller straight endmills (say 2 mm or so) (such as the #112 0.0625" endmills from Carbide 3D)
  • Additions:
    • V-carving bits (say 30 and 60 degrees) — these are excellent if doing text
  • you should already have ​a place to set the machine up (the Shapeoko is more suited for use in a shop environment) — note that you’ll want to have access to the front and back of the machine so that you can feed material in from end and out the other if working with oversized material (you can process an entire 4x8 sheet by cutting it into thirds and feeding it incrementally into an XL or XXL — a standard size machine would require 1/6ths). See: https://community.carbide3d.com/t/torsion-box-for-shapeoko-xxl-and-instructions/30969
  • ​dust collection suited to the material which you are cutting (at least a shop vacuum — many of our customers rig up dust shoes and formal dust collection) — you’ll want to tie into existing dust collection if you have it — Carbide 3D offers https://shop.carbide3d.com/products/sweepy-dustboot which will fit many smaller shop vac / dust extractor hoses
  • ​workholding (some way to hold the material in place — we have a T-track and clamp kit: https://shop.carbide3d.com/collections/accessories/products/t-track-table but many folks work up their own — we have a pair of tutorials: http://carbide3d.com/docs/tutorials/shapeoko-clamps/ and https://docs.carbide3d.com/tutorials/project-wasteboard/)
  • calipers — to measure stock/parts
  • pendant option of some sort
  • good quality square for assembly or positioning parts
  • tools to break stock down
  • tools to post-process stock (files, deburring tools, &c.)

​and of course, material and designs to cut. I recommend that folks start by drawing up a design (follow along in one of our tutorials: https://docs.carbide3d.com/tutorials/#shapeoko-tutorials and watch our videos: http://carbide3d.com/carbidecreate/video/ and read through: http://docs.carbide3d.com/assembly/carbidecreate/userguide/ ) and working up toolpaths all the way through 3D simulation — if that effort seems workable to you, you should be in a good place to get a machine.