Looking for a little direction in software to make use of time off this week

Well. If we defined commercial as making a profit overall vs selling things for money then I should be in good shape. It will take a long time to recoup my expenses especially since so will be forever upgrading :joy:

I give you credit for making money. Thatā€™s not a simple process. Not my forte.
The updates just come along. Even for free accounts.
Itā€™s very different from the normal desktop game. I lived that for years.

Oh, you misunderstand. I PLAN to make some money, havenā€™t really done it yet. I would be happy if it was self sustaining or even have a little left over to support my daughterā€™s horse fascination but i have a ways to go.

And by upgrades I meant sinking more money into the machines/tools not so much the software but I guess that applies as well.

I am not a big fan of the subscription models these days. Especially when companies think you should pay virtually the same per year as you would have paid to buy it out right a few years ago. All the companies are headed that way though.

Yep, cover my cost. Consume enough time so I donā€™t waste money on something else
Horses ? Uh oh ā€¦
Racing is cheaper and you donā€™t have to feed it every day.
Good luck :crossed_fingers:

As someone that no longer has horsesā€¦ The best way to make money with horses is to take the money you would have put into them, did a hole, throw the money in, light it on fire, fill the hole inā€¦

Thanks for the input everyone! Lots of homework for me ahead. So far I have downloaded the trial for plasticity and moi3d.

Plasticity is not quite as straight forward as MOI3D. I have made a few things but I need to figure out where I am going wrong with the closed shapes. With luck I will be making things on the CNC in the next day or so.

My next challenge will be meshcam and figuring out how to do double sided machineā€¦

I have no illusion of making money with horses. Itā€™s my daughterā€™s passion and a money drain for sure. However, I think she would rather spend time at the barn than with boys so there are some benefits.


Agreed. Having the work ethic to maintain a horse is not trivial.
Congrats on having a kid with traction.


Okay did this one with MOI3d. Turned out okay. I still need to figure out dimensions and what looks good and whatnot butā€¦ everybody gets a free flower ;-). I ended up just importing them into carbide create pro. I mean its cool and all but not a big fan of the interface. But I can learn to work with it OR just design all elements and put the part together in MOI.

Everyone gets a free flower :smiley: inside the zip is an stl and my carbide create file and the 3dm from MOI3d


Okay soā€¦ My week off is over very soon and here is my report back :smiley:

I think Will is right. it ā€œhas potentialā€. I did find the workflow a bit frustrating and think I am going to let it mature a bit before I mess with it any more. It might be a bit easier using a traditional mouse than using track pad on my macbook airā€¦

I got our license all figured out and it DOES run on the M1 but its all through the Rosetta emulation. I found a few scenarios where it was a bit sluggish but I also remembered just how much I forgot :smiley: I might go back and learn a thing or two butā€¦ Who knows.

Cool little program. I made a goofy goblin face and a few other things butā€¦ Did not match what I wanted to make. I think I will goof around with blender before I mess with ZBrush anymore. It feels like blender is more flexible than the free zbrush and I wont use it enough to pay the license. Blender is very capable.

And last but not least!
MOI3D - Moment of Inspiration 3D
The price is not to badā€¦ There are tutorials out there so its not to difficult to learn things. I was able to make a few different things. I posted the star/flower. But I also made a sweet spoon! From what I have seen from videos the beta looks coolā€¦


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