Looking for video/photos of 5 Pro cutting Aluminum

I’m a mentor for a FIRST robotics team that is considering different routers to enhance our capabilities and I’m looking for people’s results with milling aluminum on the 5 Pro.

Not sure if you have seen this video, but I thought I’d share it anyway.


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Well, it’s very simple, but I literally just cut my first piece of aluminum yesterday. Only took about 10 mins. Not too bad for a first attempt.

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I just setup airblast, ordered a tonne of aluminum cutters(Oflute, 3flute roughing HPC, 3 flute) and will be machining my own 36"x21"x3/4" fixture plate in the coming weeks. I still need to find a 2xD single point threadmill with a .75"+ depth of cut for the m6 holes otherwise I will be having to transport my plate into a machine shop and borrow their pneumatic tapper to do 2100 holes. Then I need some mitee bites or bulldog clamps or SMW vise’.

I will update you on how it goes.