Hello guys, today I’m facing a problem with a loose screw in the Z axis of my Shapeoko 4 XXL, I have always taked care of my machine, clean it, lube it and tighten screws, but these screws are something I have never considered and it could have ended really bad since I was machining a long project.

Take a look:

I believe this could have been easily avoided if I simply had info about those screws, now I’m trying to figure out what to do since I’m not able to tight it with my bare hand, I believe I have to dismount it, right? Thanks and take care guys.

Edit: Nope, I just checked the assembly guide and this is a one piece part, waiting for advice (I’ll try to screw it in the meantime). Also, is there other screw any Shapeoko 4 owner should really take care with? Thanks.

I wonder if the two holes in the backplate, that I circled, would allow access to the two screws from the back?

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Hi Steve, let me check boss.

Yeah, it seems like if I make it go up, dismount it and use the right allen key it could work (I’ll wait some hours more for any other advice since this could become a big problem if I mess something up)

What @Steve.Mc said, but feel free to double check with support@carbide3d.com

Thanks, I’m a little concerned about the project that I’m working on since I suppose I have to flatten the spoilboard and tramm the router again I guess.

If you can tighten the two bolts without having to remove the zee assembly, you shouldn’t have to worry about the tram.

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Hi Steve, yeah, I just need like a small allen key or something like that…

I was able to fix it following the instructions from Steve.Mc. There is no way to fix it without removing the Z-plus, I also trammed the router without any problems, hopefully I can end my project without any problem. Thanks to all.


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