I noticed that the eccentric nut on the top right of the router holder came loose and the plate was very wobbly. After tightening it the plate is better but now the entire z compartment is loose. I’ve linked a link to a video. Hopefully that will help explain my situation. Just want to know what needs to be tighten or tensioned. I have tried playing with the wheels but dont see any difference.
the v-wheel on the right always has contact with the rail the one on the left doesnt always spin. I have rotated the nuts but nothing seems to change. the plate gets looser but not tighter.
wow!! I guess they had to be on there extra extra extra tight!! the wiggling is gone. I cant run another test tonight but will run it tomorrow afternoon. Thank you so much for the help. I will keep you updated.
A few months ago, I noticed my (old style) Z plate was loose. When I took it apart, I discovered that I’d apparently over-tightened it and cracked one of the wheels. So watch out for that too.