Lost z accuracy

I seem to have lost z plunge accuracy, I zero the z on the material, I have a bit zero that is working. I set my depth of the pocket to .1 and it goes down to about .5. Any ideas? I’ve been doing projects for about a year and this is new. I am using a Shapeoko 4xxl and Carbide Create, Thanks Steve

Are the wiring and connector all in good condition and secure?

Is the Z-axis properly lubricated?

Are the tools properly secured in the collet? Note that we recommend using the button only to hand-tighten, so that things will stay in place while one fully tightens with a pair of good quality wrenches.

How are you setting zero relative to the stock?

Are you cutting a slot just as narrow as the tool? Add offset geometry and cut as a pocket down to to tab height or the penultimate pass.

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The z zero is the stock top, I use the paper method. I am trying to do a pocket down .15 of an inch. I also use a bit zero. the bit plunges at the start of the cut. Tool is properly tightened with 2 wrenches. The design is perfectly machined just to deep.

If you are using a BitZero see:

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