Loud beep when I turn on machine

Just completed my setup of the Shapeoko 5 pro 4 x 2 . Have not received vfd and spindle yet but when I power it up there is a loud beep. This does not seem right. What is it? and what should I do

AS I have recently discovered the beep sound was coming from the Y left motor. I disconnected it and there was no beep sound once I turned on machine. Is it motor or wire harness or something else?

Is it possibly just a high pitched hum? Powered on,
steppers holding position make a high frequency hum that could be a beep pitch.

nope. I disconnected the motor and then turn on machine…no loud beep…Un bolted motor from rail plugged it in and when I turn on machine it runs. Its the Y left motor. No other motors run when I turn on cnc

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